
Circus of Magazines

Logo  for the online Marketplace Circus of Magazines™. This logo won the 2009 WOLDA (World Logo Design Annual) in the "Best of USA", "Best of Americas" and "Best of the World" categories. It has been featured in numerous magazines and books like Computer Arts or Logology Vol2.

Role: Graphic Design


Milan, June 10, 2010

Best of USA, Best of Americas, Best of the World

Olivier Courbet wins “Best of the World” Wolda ’09 Award
Wolda, the Worldwide Logo Design Annual, is the innovative graphic design awards scheme that rewards the best logos and trademarks designed throughout the world.

 “Circus of Magazines” Logo from Olivier Courbet, USA, designed by Olivier Courbet was named the World’s best logo in the second edition of Wolda, the Worldwide Logo Design Annual: the innovative graphic design awards scheme that rewards the best logos and trademarks designed throughout the world and the only award scheme in the world endorsed by ICOGRADA and more than 100 other international design associations and schools.

Thanks to its originality and design excellence, the logo designed for the Circus of Magazine, has been selected among of 1885 entries from all around the world for the Wolda’s top award “Best of the World” and will be included in the printed Wolda ‘09 Annual, plus an honourable mention on the Wolda website, along with the other 192 winners.

To select the winners, an innovative international three-tier jury consisting of 10 top design professionals, 10 major international Clients and finally of 10 members of the public, reviewed all the logos submitted following a unique process which reflects the actual process that turns any logo into a successful logo: the designers decide what to present to the clients, the clients decide what to present to the public, but in the end it is always the public that decides if a brand is successful.

The 30 judges have been selected respectively from ICOGRADA (International Council of Graphic Design Associations), AQUENT and CONSUMERS INTERNATIONAL.

All winning entries for Wolda ’09 are displayed online at and will be published towards the end of September in the 2009 annual, a substantial hard bound volume of exceptional quality printed on SAPPI acclaimed papers by FONTEGRAFICA.
